Ruby with Truelove Multi Loop Multi Handle Dog Leash Prevents Rope Burn and allows you to walk your dog with control and comfort. Recommended by Paw Favor at Gardens at Bishan Singapore Sin Ming Walk Dogboarding and Dogdaycare, Dog Gift Referral Service.

The PAWFECT dog leash for Ruby!

 Who is Ruby you may wonder... so let’s get to know Ruby…

Does your doggo make Flash-like sprints for birds?  Ruby does.

Does your doggo surge forward with the force of Hulk at the sight of other dogs and hoomans? Ruby does.

Does your doggo walk you when you are supposed to walk them? Ruby does.

Is your doggo a small to medium sized breed? Ruby is.

Do you love your doggo and hate the idea of a stressful walk with your doggo?  We love Ruby and want a less stressful walk with her!

If your doggo has one of Ruby's traits, we’ve found the PAWFECT leash for your doggo! If your doggo has none of Ruby's traits, this is still an EXCELLENT leash for your doggo!

Why trust us?  We have the opportunity to use many types of leashes as we run a boarding and daycare service for doggos.  Many of these leashes do not meet all the following requirements for Ruby.

  1. Comfortable to hold. We want to avoid leashes that are not made of material that is comfortable to hold. Some have awkward rings and hooks that press against your hand when you try to hold the leash to shorten it.
  2. Control.  We want to easily extend and shorten the length of the leash without having to coil the leash round our hands.  Whilst the retractable leashes are great for flexible extension and retraction of leash, they can be a dangerous force on your dog if you lock it after they have surged for a distance at full speed.
  3. No risk of rope burn.  If you try to grab the leash or twirl it round your hand to stop your doggo from surging forward, it can cause rope burn or strain your hand.  And if your doggo circled you before dashing away, you can suffer cuts on your legs too!   

We are so happy to have found the Truelove multi-loop leash design which meets all the above requirements.  Truelove has created a few models for different dog breeds and lifestyle too.  Here’s the standout reasons why we find the multi-loop design to be PAWFECT for Ruby {or any doggo for the matter}.

  1. Made of soft material and a padded handle, it gives a comfortable hold.
  2. Multi-loop design allows pawrents to slip your hand into any of the loops to adjust to the leash length you need when walking your doggo.  These loops serve as multiple handles that you can use to restrain your doggo from surging forward.   
  3. You get good control over your doggo with one hand, and without worry of rope burn from the rope slipping.


To help you choose the right Truelove multi-loop leash for your doggo, we recommend that you consider the following:

Polyester or Nylon Fabric:

For doggos like Ruby, the Truelove multi-loop leashes made of polyester are good enough.  For bigger stronger doggos, you may want to get those Truelove multi-loop leash that are made of nylon for more tensile strength and durability.

Buckle or Carabiner Hook:

Both would work well to secure your doggo but the carabiner hook is perhaps more secure as it cannot be accidentally unlocked if you screw it tight.  However it means you will need to unscrew it to unleash your doggo which can be patience testing if you need to hold down an excited doggo.

Sizes S, M or L:

The length of all the S, M and L multi-loop leashes are the same as it is designed for you to keep your active doggo within a fixed range.  The sizes refer to the width of the leash, so as to cater to dog size and strength. The bigger, stronger doggos need an L whilst the mini doggos look more fitting with an S.   For your reference size M is good for Ruby, an English Cocker Spaniel.

Now you are ready to get a Truelove multi-loop leashes available at attractive prices at our online store! 

P/S: Ruby’s pawrents bought the Truelove multi-loop leash immediately after we let them try it!  It makes our day to know we have done a pawkid and its pawrents a great paw favor!

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